Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Can you believe that it's September already?!

My grandson Bobby

Good morning, Faithful Followers!
Children love to get in on the act of crafting. Whenever my grandson comes to visit, he loves to go into my studio to check out my supplies and play! From the time he was able to walk, he would always come in and go directly to my punch drawers, which he still does today (He will be 4 in November). It has always been the one place in my room that isn't off limits to him, and he respects that rule.

So, when he or my granddaughter, Ashley come to visit, I love to take them into my room to be creative. They both love to experiment with different tools. The last time that Ashley was here, she made a beautiful scrapbook to commemorate their family trip to Disney. She did an amazing job! She also made thank you notes that were so cute!

Bobby enjoys making things for his mama. So the card above is one that he made for her, using his own ideas and using the tools that he wanted to. don't you love to see children being creative? I think that it's important for us all to nurture that in children.

Like many of you out there, I am addicted to Pinterest! I am trying to use some of what I find. The headband below is an idea that I got from Pinterest. It didn't have any instructions, but was easy to figure out.

Ghost for headband

It's made with simple white ribbon, which I cut into pieces and added a stitch or two to the backside to keep them attached to one another. I added the bow and the googly eyes, attached it to a headband, and VOILA! I had so much fun making it! It definitely got my creative juices flowing, which leads me to my next project that I am sharing with you today.
Ghost headband
 Now that I was feeling creative, I started looking around at potential items to create with! Isn't that how it happens? So, when I went into the refrigerator, I saw my Laughing Cow cheese container and thought, hmm...I bet that I could make something out of that! 
Trinket box

The next thing I knew, I was wrapping ribbon around the outside edges, cutting circles with my Spellbinders for the top, bottom and insides. I found paper in one of my mat stacks to use. I inked the bare edges and added a cross, cut out with Spellbinders. 

I think that it made a cute little trinket box! What do you think?

I hope that you have a wonderful and creative day today! Remember to share creativity with children. It will make their creative juices start to flow!


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